With the end of December near, you probably have most of your décor already out including your artificial wreaths and garlands already out in your home and being displayed this holiday season. With this being said, now is the time to start thinking about the end of season care that you need to give your artificial wreaths and garlands to ensure that they are going to be something that you can use year after year. If you are unsure of what you should do, don’t worry we have tons of tips that you can use for the end of season care for artificial wreaths and garlands.

1. Gentle is the key when it comes to taking this décor down for the year.

Too many people start to pull and tug to get these items down, and they find out that they have stretched these to the point that they don’t look as good as they once did.

2. Make sure that before you store these items that they are clean.

This means cleaning these if they have been outdoors, dusting these if they have been indoors. Just remember that you do not want to use harsh cleaners if you can avoid this since this can weaken the entire structure of these.

3. Store these in an organized manner.

Don’t just throw these into boxes and hope for the best. Wrap garland around cardboard to keep these from becoming tangled. And store wreaths in a way that they are not going to get smashed.

4. Store these in an area that is not going to be too hot or wet.

There is nothing worse for wreaths and garlands than facing extreme temperatures or getting wet in the summer while in storage as it can cause mold and mildew to set up.