When it comes time to create your perfect prelit Christmas trees in your home, then you are going to find that there are tons of tips and tricks out there to make this a perfect, decorated holiday.  Luckily, since you are using prelit Christmas trees, you are going to have plenty of more time to discuss what type of themes that you want to use or the ornaments to use since you have the lights already installed on this tree. That makes it ten times easier to decide on your décor. However, one of the biggest issues that people have, when they do decorate their tree, is just how many ornaments should they be using? Is there a right or wrong number? What is too cluttered when it comes to the tree that you have in your home?

Cluttered Prelit Christmas Trees: A Recipe for Holiday Disappointment

For years, many people thought that there had to be a perfect number in terms of how many ornaments are used on the tree. There were those who only hung an ornament every four inches or so. There were those who were hanging ornaments on every branch of the tree. The good news is that you are going to find that the idea of cluttered prelit Christmas trees is actually becoming a type of theme for many people. While there are those who love the minimalist theme, there are just as many people who are loving the cluttered look.

The cluttered look on prelit Christmas trees is not meant to look like a mess, which is often what people think when they think of the term ‘cluttered’. This is simply meant to showcase that the branches on the tree are used with some type of ornament. In addition, all the empty space on those trees is filled with garland of some sort. The idea is that it creates a busy theme that allows those who view it to take a slow look at each and every ornament on here. It is meant to have a huge story that can be told to those who ask about certain ornaments or why certain colors have been chosen to hang on this tree.

So, is a cluttered tree the look for you? If you like a bit of controlled chaos then yes. However, if you are OCD about where things should go, then this can be a theme that drives you crazy throughout the rest of the month.