For those who have flocked Christmas trees in their home, then you know that there are tons of themes that you can go with for decorating your tree. One of these themes is “Farm Fresh”. This is a theme that is going to see a lot of traction for 2021 as it is simple, yet elegant, when combined with the flocked look that these trees can offer.

What is Farm Fresh?

Farm Fresh is a theme that is being seen in more decorative options throughout homes and offices these days. The idea is to be basic with the décor, but also ensure that you are being a bit classy at the same time. It is a tight rope to walk to get a beautiful look to the flocked Christmas trees that you have in your home, but it is doable.

Tips for a Farm Fresh Theme

Are you ready to put the farm fresh theme on your flocked Christmas trees throughout your home? If so, here are some tips that can help you in choosing the best décor to make this theme come to life.

1. You cannot go wrong with candles around the mantle, and even on the floors around your tree can help to create a great ambiance.

2. Go with off white and white different decorations throughout the tree.

3. You can opt for red and green old fashioned décor throughout the home to get the Farm Fresh feel that you are wanting to get.

4. You can opt to go with lights or no lights, but if you go with lights, definitely go with white lights.

For those who are using the Farm Fresh themes with their flocked Christmas trees, will find that this theme is one that will be timeless and can be used year after year.